May 29, 2006

item 5 : Recommendations for Future Projects

What are your views on the future?
Do you already have plans to continue with the Learning Circles collaborative project in your school or country? (scaleability?)

Do you have any specific recommendations for future projects that you would like to see happen or hope are supported by UNESCO?
Some views already received last December and in the questionnaires include ...
  • nearly every school has already said they will continue with Learning Circles
  • not many suggestions have come in regarding practical proposals for continuation other than the schools do it themselves.
  • not many suggestions have come in recommending how UNESCO or individual National Education Departs might assist with sustainability ... hopefully these will come up more during the 3 day June wrokshop .... and in your comments posted here


At 24/6/06 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another round of learning circles is starting in August and we have invited African schools to join. This will provide a whole range of new perspectives. We aleady have schools from Mali, Uganda, Ghana, Benin and South Afica who have signed up. They will join a number of schools in the ASEAN region. Consult the website at

At 20/7/06 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janeth said ...

Bravo! How brilliant such idea of having such a project like Learning Circle in our teaching-learning experiences. It is really a momentuous event of my life personally and professionally in having telecollaborative program. I was able to gain friends and to learn meaningful information and ideas from the participating countries.
I am so excited for the next round specially that we are expanded. Yes, I agree with Gerald that this round will provide a whole range of new inputs on the part of the teachers and students too.
To the previous participants, come on...! lets join again. To the new ones, WE WELCOME YOU! I am looking forward to know you.

Note: Gerald, please... the schoolnet project may end but not learning circle. Okey? I hope so.


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